Saturday, 5 July 2014

Kodakid debut album

As some of you may know music is another of my big loves. I unfortunately have no musical talent what so ever so i did what most talent-less folks whit no musical talent do  i used to do a lill music promotion.
Nothing big just a few local gigs. of course as it would have to be i would need to bring food to the musical arena.
So we named the nights bandwiches as i would feed the bands sandwiches thus bandwiches was born.
 I have not put on a night in a very long time actually but i just have not had any time of late i have been so involved in other projects. this does however not at all mean i do not still follow closely the bands i have had the pleasure of working with over the years.

One such talented band in Kodakid. I adore them and the fact that i know some of them so well is all the better. Jokingly their incredible drummer asked me for a review so i thought to myself  i only review food. and that's true i do only review food. however couldn't it be lots of fun if i review an album like it were food? each song something different tasty bites of heaven? i will be honest i have no idea how this is going to go and i am completely out of my comfort zone but for these guys I have to try it out. If its terrible i embarrass myself. ( well that's nothing new for me except this time im sober)

so here goes :

Outta sight :
this song has to be the guilty chocolate bar you sneak into bed and devour without anyone knowing you stay Out of sight as it is where. its sweet and pleasure filled but you keep it all to yourself which only adds to how tasty it is. In fact it is all the more delicious as you scoff it down all to yourself reluctant to let any one see your enjoyment or share it with you. its your little guilty to yourself time. We all need it we all crave and enjoy it but we want it all to ourselves.

stories and lies :

this is more of a slow cooked pork belly sandwich. you can see all the steps it took for them to make this song so layered. you appreciate how much work it took and see all the effort. however you just want to loose yourself in the savors. you let the subtle tones over take flavor by flavor wrapping itself over your taste buds. you want this feeling to last and linger but you know its too tasty to take your time with. your down to the last to the last few bites and you can but dip them into the plate to pick up every piece of this incredible feast.

low 7 :

this is your happy go lucky joyful  its your beans on toast with real butter and a fried egg and rashers. its cheers you up but its functional and helps keep you full for the day. but it is no fuss just pure soul food and joyful. it does what other songs cant do it turns your whole day around. you add some grated cheese towards the end as you need that cheesy element to keep that grin upon your face.

shake skin :

so your in a rush now. its the song you play prior to leaving your house for that party. all you really have time for with this song is a quick snack humus and cracker dip. you want to keep it exotic and tasty. none of this boring stuff. you know your night is only starting off but you don't want to rush it. sure the party only starts when you get there right. sit back feel the excitement of the night ahead grow within, but take in the incredible spices and fruitiness of this exquisite snack.

dirty like rock and roll :

Your that chicken Cesar salad with croutons and extra bacon. your refreshing tasty light and tangy. you bring a full spectrum of taste explosion but are very easy on the ears. nice and light. but just as satisfying as the rest.

pray for some luck :

your the song looking for a new experience your a spicy hot wing in a blue cheese dip. your so many things you take us up high with your incredible bite and spice then you take us back down with your creamy tasty heavenly smooth sauce. your so many thing two completely different savors. you have plenty of punch behind you yet you are comforting and soothing.

Going out west:

your obviously the ribs in a tangy barbecue sauce accompanied by corn on the cob. your something we all need to get our teeth into and chew on for awhile. we can taste the jd that went into creating your perfect bbq glaze the sweetness of honey and brown sugar is ever so present but we have such meaty flavors we are try to take it all in enjoying the show just as much. your succulent and flavor full indeed.

Portis :

your the fajita nice soft outer tortilla filled jam pack of flavors and taste your cooling sour cream and guacamole needed to lower your temperature right down or you would simply be too damn hot. your so smooth and seductive.I could lap you up all night.

grizzly days :

your the mac and cheese your that comfort food on a rainy day. we can feel you need a hug so we will just fill you full of creamy cheese carbs. your what we all need on a rainy day or a bad day. we all know we will all be ok after this but we all need our lows to appreciate our highs. and enjoying this carby-feel goodness we surely are. can i have some more please Oliver style. there we are now i feel all mended by those soothing dulcet tones.

On my own :

your the tapas platter you bring so many new elements and need a glass of wine to help me wash all this down.all your elements are so different and interesting yet you work perfectly together.. you confuse and conquer.

All in all I am delighted to say i adore this album. there is always a worry when reviewing people you know. how not to offend but in this case happy to report my worries vanished after the first listen. I especially like grizzly days it is very different for the lads and beautiful on my own is also incredible. oh who am i kidding its all great :D well done lads.

please buy this on google play or itunes the boys soul ,hear,sweat and tears went into this and it shows.  support local support art support music support any type of food for the soul.

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