Saturday, 2 November 2013

Michael Quinn cookery class at the hook and ladder part 4: chicken

Our latest class was supposed to be on chicken however Micheal treated us to guinea fowl just to be a li'll exotic and it was accompanied by puil lentils.As usual it was the best 38 e I spent all week. I learned loads and loads and loads. Making a creamy guinea fowl casserole absolutely moreish.
He showed us how to butcher our chicken our selves a skill that allows you the most out of your food.Why buy chicken pieces pre-cut when you can cut your own??? and insure all the bits are the best???butchering a chicken is surprisingly easy once you have a good knife and a fair idea where to cut. guinea fowl was a very tasty alternative to chicken. chicken can often be very bland unless its irish free range chicken. I often get chicken in Billy Burkes or elss when I can get there i go to Cork and get it off Annies roasts. Annies roast is one of the best family run companies and they have the tastiest free range chickens you can buy. Annies brother is the chicken farmer also Annies father is a beef farmer and  guarantee you will never have a better chicken. If you can make it to Cork I would recommend getting my Xmas turkey from this lady, they are unbelievable quality and taste like they should.

This week I am unsure what recipe to talk about. The lentils are incredibly easy and the guinea fowl was also but time consuming. Perhaps this week I only just show you a few pictures of the night and I make it up to you as I am currently trying to perfect my chicken liver pate in time for Christmas. so I could go through all the different recipes I am trying out? I suppose I can tell you guys how to make yummy chicken stock with the left overs of the chicken/guinea-fowl?

chicken stock:

Cut up an onion roughly cut up a carrot roughly add to a pot pop in a chicken carcass add cold water bring to a boil leave simmer for 40 minutes season and taste as you go. a grey smudge will appear on the top you need to keep removing this in order to have a pure clear stock. the stock will keep for 3 days in your fridge. However if you wish to reduce it down I recommend putting it into ice cube form and freezing it until you want to use it again. no wastage and it is miles healthier than your salt full alternative. Happy eating.

lentil preparation 

straining the juice out to make creamy sauce

cream sauce reduction

butchered half guinea fowl

fresh home made stock

the last of the basil



guinea fowl

oyster mushrooms

puil lentils

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